Friday, March 6, 2009

Interactive Design - A definition

Interactive design simply is design which is interactive. The term interactive, refers to user participation hence it is interactive. Interactive design moves from a static design type, such as print mediums and static web pages to design where an audience takes part in the medium. Interactive design is commonly seen in ‘Web 2.0’ sites, where a user is able to interact with a website.

Interactive design is not limited to the web though, but can also branch out into computer gaming where humans actually act as part of a game. For instance a GPS game where a user takes part in the game in real life and this can also be emulated on a computer with traditional computer gamers.
Interactive design can be in the forms of:
  • Flash Website Design
  • Flash Games & Animation
  • Viral Marketing
  • E-learning Design & Development
  • DVD and CD ROM interfaces
Interactive design is user-centred, that is easy for the user to learn the interface, without a loss in functionality. For example, Apple computers are very user-centred; take for instance the dock, it allows user to simply drag and drop files to applications in the dock to open them. This allows for a user-centred design, without a loss in functionality.

Similarly to the internet, design has moved from being a static medium to an interactive medium.

Works Cited
Friday Media, "Interactive Design" 6 March 2009

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